Sensation and Perception Psychology Pdf Download
The topic of today’s article is a Sensation and Perception psychology Pdf, in today’s article, we will talk about how information received by senses is transduced into meaningful information that we can act about and that we can make use of.
Perception is an interpretation of the sensory input or an accurate representation of the external world. If you are wondering about this question, this article will debunk some of your concepts about perception. We will briefly touch upon various aspects of perception and How it influences in constructing the mental representation.
Sensation and Perception Examples

I’ll start with a series of pictures and I just want you to loath them and tell me what you or think over it, what you see in them what do you see here you see that there is a fat lady standing in front of a glass and in that glass she is actually looking at herself as she is grown much slimmer now is this a trick or is this what the lady is actually seeing or let us say at least this is what we are seeing from that picture let us loath some other pictures.
Triangles or Circles

If I ask you which of the two lines is larger the line at the top of the line at the bottom some of you might give have different answers just to tell you that both of these lines are exactly equal in length do you also see a white triangle superimposed on a black lined triangle here I also see that but the thing is that there is no white triangle in this figure it is just we who are actually seeing that do you see a bridge or a fleet of ships.
Bridge Pillar or Ships

Here I guess I see a bridge but if I focus I see a fleet of ships as well.
What is this is it a rabbit or a bird?
Now if you notice these pictures you probably saw something which was probably not there in the pictures why did that happen were you making a mistake or is it your senses playing tricks on you this is exactly what we uh want to study.

When we really want to investigate what perceptual processes are like is perception an accurate process does it really reflect what the world holds or does your senses or does your sensory modality give you the exact and accurate picture of whatever it receives?
Let us delve deeper into this question by talking about what perception is perception is the set of processes by which we recognize organize and make sense of the sensations we receive from environmental stimuli now if you notice this definition makes a case for the difference between perception and sensation perception is what we are actually doing to sensation what is actually happening to whatever sensations or sensory input.
That we are getting from the different senses hold on to this definition let us talk about another definition, another definition of perception says that perception is the process by which the cognitive system constructs an internal representation of the outside world what am I trying to say here I’m trying to tell you that there is a lot of information that your senses receive from the outside world to interact with or to be able to use that information.
Some Basic Considerations

You have to create a replica or a representation of that information inside your head perception is the process that helps you do so so if you notice in these two definitions we are actually talking about two key components of perception first is that perception is a constructive active process we are actually actively engaged with the information that we are receiving the second is perception is about representation it might be different from reality it is the representation of the reality which your senses give you say for example if you talk about people who have myopia or hyper metro people who have powers in their eyes the ones varying spectacles like me now is it that the world has changed and that we cannot see.
It’s probably our eyes have changed in a manner that we don’t see the exact thing that is out there now that that is one of the ways you could say that sensory information can not always be correct if you move around a particular room and you are looking at an object from different angles the information that you receive from that object is very different from each of those angles.
But what you see is the same object very stable and not changing that is also what is achieved via the process of perception in this series of article on transition and perception we will talk about how are these processes achieved and how perception really shapes your view of the world now there could be some key issues in perception one of them is that perception may or may not be an accurate representation of the reality okay.
As you saw in the pictures just presented you were seeing something but that was probably not really there instead perception is actually an interpretation of the sensory input as I was saying you getting some sensory input and your brain or your mind is interpreting that sensory input in a particular fashion which is what you can use or which is what is available to you to act upon or to think about and that is what perception is actually about.
Now there are two things that sometimes your senses may deceive you say for example for that lady which I showed you who was probably drunk and so was looking at herself as to have become very thin drugs and different kinds of these things have that kind of an effect on people also senses may be erroneous sometimes say for example the example of our eye is not functioning properly the problem could be with the instrument or with the senses which are getting the information from the outside world to the inside world that is your mental space so what is what are the different stages in perception what are the different aspects of perceptual processes there are at least four of them which we will talk about the first is sensation.

let us talk about how all of this story really starts what is sensation what is sensory input how we make sense of sensory input second how are these representations formed from sensory input to the point that we can actually make use of this information to the point.
We can organize this information the third aspect itself is the perception which we already talked about how do you organize and arrange the data or arrange the information coming in from the world we will also talk about it as a final section of this chapter about a variety of influences on perception what are the kinds of influences that impact how you see the world.
So, with these four topics in mind, this is how you can organize this series of articles on sensation and perception now let us talk about the first part sensation.
A Tree Falls in the Forest

A question often asked in some philosophy classes is that if a tree falls in a forest and there is nobody to hear it is there a sound produced now you can think over it over and over again and you might have a difference of opinion but the answer I am going to give you is that “NO” there is no sound produced but you will say that the tree has fallen there is displacement there is some potential energy and so definitely there must be something that has happened there let us loath this answer in a bit more detail what is sound, the sound is actually caused by a wave of molecules but the waves themselves are not sound, a sound is actually a psychological event and it depends on the nervous system the brain to transduce this waves to the transducer physical energy of the waves to a nerve impulse that is generated in your brain that gives you the experience of sound so you need the brain to have a sound you need somebody to for the sound to actually have existed.
Otherwise, they will be just random waves that are generated and then finally dissipate over without a brain to register the transduced physical energy there can be no sound the situation is exactly analogous to the relationship of wavelength to the U and amplitude to lightness if there is nothing if there is no object to interpret this wavelength.

You will never have this concept of different users or if there is nothing to decipher these amplitudes or transduce these amplitudes to lightness you will not have bright or dim lights so with this in the background let us try and talk more about sensation so physical properties lead to psychological events but they are not the events themselves.
The discipline of psychophysics actually charts the relationship between physical events and psychological events that is our experience of these physical events so psychophysics is basically the field that will help you really deal with sensations which will help you to navigate sensations and to understand how sensations are converted into psychological events like experience, thank you for Reading this article.
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